
Jeton7Jeton (born Jens Thorwachter in 1970) is a gentleman juggler from Frankfurt, Germany. He is one of the only gentleman jugglers still performing and was the given the Award of Excellence by the International Jugglers Association in 2013.

DSCF0807This is one of Jeton’s performance top hats. Donated by Jeton.

DSCF0809This is a coin used by Jeton in his performance in the Cascade of Stars show at the 2013 International Jugglers’ Association Festival. He kicked it from his foot to catch it as a monocle on his eye. Donated by Jeton.

DSCF0810This is a book of matches used by Jeton in his performance in the Cascade of Stars show at the 2013 International Jugglers’ Association Festival. Donated by Jeton.

jetonballThis is one of Jeton’s juggling balls. Acquired as part of the Paul Bachman Collection.