Billy Tirko

BillyTirko2Billy Tirko (1906-1998) was an American juggler who performed from the 1920s until the 1960s. He specialized in club juggling, combination tricks, and ball and mouth stick work. Billy Tirko (1906-1998) was an American juggler who performed from the 1920s until the 1960s. He specialized in club juggling, combination tricks, and ball and mouth stick work.

TirkoHeadPedestalThis is a Billy Tirko head pedestal used in one of his combination tricks. Donated by Al Grout.

TirkoBallMouthstickThese are Billy Tirko mouth sticksl used in his ball and mouth stick routines. Donated by Al Grout.

TirkoJugglingPlateThis is a metal plate used in Billy Tirko’s plate juggling routine.. Donated by Al Grout.

TirkoBalancingStickThis is a Billy Tirko mouth stick made by Edward Van Wyck. Donated by Al Grout.


This is a Billy Tirko mouth stick, made by Edward Van Wyck. Donated by Rick Reppert.


This is Billy Tirko’s diabolo, made by Edward Van Wyck. Donated by Rick Reppert.


These are Billy Tirko’s throwing knives, made by Edward Van Wyck. Donated by Rick Reppert.


These are Billy Tirko’s wooden rings. Donated by Rick Reppert.


This is a Billy Tirko leg ring. Donated by Rick Reppert.


This is a Billy Tirko ball. Donated by Rick Reppert.

tirkoringmouthstickThis is a Billy Tirko mouth stick on which he would spin two rings. Donated by Al Grout. TirkoRingMouthstick2This is another Billy Tirko mouth stick on which he would spin two rings. Donated by Al Grout.

TirkoMouthstickringsThese are wooden rings that Billy Tirko would spin on the mouth sticks above. Donated by Al Grout.

billytirkomouthstick1This is a Billy Tirko mouth stick. It was the very first mouth stick ever made by Edward Van Wyck. Acquired as part of the Paul Bachman collection.

billytirkoheadpedestal1This is one of Billy Tirko’s head pedestals, made by Edward Van Wyck. Acquired as part of the Paul Bachman collection.

tirkoclubThis is one of Billy Tirko’s clubs, made by Harry Lind. Acquired as part of the Paul Bachman collection.

IMG_3393This is one of Billy Tirko’s clubs, made by Harry Lind. Donated by Rick Reppert.