Albert Lucas (born in 1960) began his performing career at the age of four. From the age of 8 to 11 he toured with Liberace. From age 12 to 22, he traveled the world performing his juggling act on ice with the Ice Capades. He was the first person to flash 12 rings and is the only one to ever flash 13 rings. Albert was also the first person to ever qualify ten objects in competition, doing so twice with rings in the IJA Numbers Championship in 1996 and 2002. Albert was the IJA Individuals champion in 1984.
This is a wooden numbers clubs designed by Albert Lucas and made by Eliot Goldstein of The Juggling Arts. It was made for Albert to flash ten clubs, although this feat was never accomplished. Signed by Albert Lucas and donated by Eliot Goldstein.
This is an Albert Lucas ring that he used for a twelve ring flash. Signed by Albert Lucas and donated by Darrell W. Toomey.
This is a wooden numbers clubs designed by Albert Lucas and made by Eliot Goldstein of The Juggling Arts. It was made for Albert to flash ten clubs, although this feat was never accomplished. Signed by Albert Lucas and donated by Darrell W. Toomey.