Juggling Jewels

JugglingJewels1The Juggling Jewels originally consisted of five British female jugglers who began performing in 1912. The members were Gladys Tucker, Nellie Green, Denise Wathon, Bonnie Wathon, and Carrie Cliff. They performed an act of club passing, tennis racket juggling, hoop passing, and a solo tap dance done while juggling. They were perhaps best known for their finale of juggling lighted clubs in the dark. They were given these clubs by the famous Gentleman Juggler Salerno. They were originally known as the Four Clovelly Girls, then the Five Carlton Sisters, and finally as the Juggling Jewels. In 1943 they became the Four Juggling Jewels and were the Three Juggling Jewels by 1949. They continued performing until at least 1950.

JugglingJewelsHoops1These are wooden hoops used by the Juggling Jewels in their act. You can see these hoops pictured in the photo at the top of the page. Donated by Lee and Joy Jackson.

JugglingJewelsHoops2These are undecorated wooden hoops used by the Juggling Jewels in their act. Donated by Lee and Joy Jackson.

DSCF2597These are two of Juggling Jewels performance clubs. They are custom made, smaller than normal Harry Lind clubs. Donated by Lee and Joy Jackson.

DSCF5079These are wooden tennis rackets used by the Juggling Jewels in their act. Donated by Lee and Joy Jackson.