George Barvinchak

BarvinGeorge Barvinchak (1917-1997), who performed as a juggler and magician (“George Barvin”) for nearly 60 years, was one of the eight founders of the International Jugglers’ Association in 1947. He organized the public show at the first IJA Convention in 1948 at Jamestown, N.Y., and was active in the organization throughout his life, serving as president in 1967. As a sideline to his 45-year career as an engineer, he presented shows throughout western New York state and beyond with props including rings, 5 balls, clubs, plates, and “cannon balls”. He was an Honorary Life Member of the IJA.

DSCF1004These are George Barvinchak’s metal juggling plates. On loan from the IJA Archives.

IMG_1056These are George Barvinchak’s cannon balls. On loan from the IJA Archives.

IMG_1064These are George Barvinchak’s juggling rings. On loan from the IJA Archives.



These are George Barvinchak’s devil stick and cue stick. On loan from the IJA Archives.